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  • Understanding Mental Wellness - Video

Understanding Mental Wellness - Video


Okay, so you've taken the free assessment, what now? 


In an attempt to help you sift through the specifics of your assessment and exactly where you might be, the next step is to purchase and watch this short and easily digestible instructional video lasting 22 minutes where I (Catherine DiNuzzo, LPC. Founder of Sacred Heart Mental Wellness) help explain what mental wellness is. I'll walk with you through the ins-and-outs of the Mental Wellness Assessment that you submitted. (If you have not taken and submitted the free assessment, please do so prior to watching the video to get the full effect). 


In this video we'll work to move you beyond the messiness of determining where you are on your journey and give practical tips and encouragement to help you move forward successfully. The goal of this video is to explain many of the obstacles and challenges that I see my clients struggle with over and over that, unknown to them, create a barrier to their mental wellness. Often people are trying so hard to have mental wellness but lack the understanding and tools to actually succeed. 

    • Help you understand your assessment results in a way that will enable you to make intentional & knowledgeable decisions about the next steps to strengthening your mental wellness.
    • Provide real-life examples to help you see the difference in how someone who is in the earlier stages of mental wellness handles a situation versus someone who has a better grasp of the tools to live in a state of healthy mental wellness. 
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