> Identify points of opposition on your path to achieving mental wellness
> Define mental wellness and begin to outline a personal goal to work toward
> Explore strategies that can aid in managing the release of stress hormones
> Learn about the "Animal Brain"and it's role in keeping you safe
> Learn to walk this journey of anxiety with God walking right next to you
> Dive deeper into the biology of what happens in our brains when we feel anxious
Book & Video Bundles
Bundle either our "Biology of Anxiety" video or "Understanding Mental Wellness" video with our book "The Catholic Guide Through Anxiety," or get all three. These resources work hand-in-hand together and provide you with the understanding of what's happening biologically, physically, and spiritually when you start feeling that anxious response and want to better understand mental wellness.

For a limited time bundle our Biology of Anxiety video with The Catholic Guide Through Anxiety e-book and save 20% These two resources go hand in hand and provide you with the understanding of what's happening biologically, physically AND spiritually when you start feeling that anxious response.
> Learn to walk this journey of anxiety with God walking right next to you
> Dive deeper into the biology of what happens in our brains when we feel anxious
> Learn about the "Animal Brain"and it's role in keeping you safe
> Identify points of opposition on your path to achieving mental wellness
> Define mental wellness and begin to outline a personal goal to work toward
> Explore strategies that can aid in managing the release of stress hormones
Go all in with our Ultimate Bundle! Receive our Biology of Anxiety from a Catholic Perspective video, The Catholic Guide Through Anxiety eBook, AND join Catherine LIVE for a 6-week online Lenten Course. Take advantage of the power of a bundle and receive over $900 worth of resources for an introductory cost of only $261.99!
Do you desire to overcome anxiety? Do you want to learn more about what anxiety is and how if affects your body? Then this is the offer for you. Dive deeper with Catherine's e-book and Biology of Anxiety Video, and then spend 6-weeks working toward your mental wellness goals. Topics include but are not limited to:
> The Biology of Anxiety and Trauma
> Fighting Insecurities & Self-Doubt
> Beating Pandemic Fatigue
> And more....